We've been on the airplane for 13 hours. I'd say that the first 9 or 10 could be described at “lightly turbulent.” NOT COOL. Yes, I cried when we took off. Yes, I talked to Craig until the VERY LAST SECOND and hysterically txted my parents. No, I didn't get a lick of sleep on the plane. I tossed and turned—wishing I'd brought my own pillow. The higher we got, the colder it got. I maybe slept 2 hours at 10 minute intervals. The flight has finally evened out (no more turbulence). I made myself get up and walk around 3 times—went to the bathroom twice—gross. All that being said, though, I'm watching a movie right now, waiting on my flight attendant to bring me some pizza, and looking at Namibia out my window. There it is. It is beautiful. I can make out things that look like craters and roads. I see rivers and a few scattered hills. I've been waiting years to see this. In about an hour we'll be flying over Botswana. Then we'll land (ugh, I hope it's not too rough) in Johannesburg. I'm sure the airport will be crazy. I think there will be locals there to pick us up and take us to Enseme—the UM retreat center where we're staying. The name means a place of grace. When I told my father that yesterday, or, well, the day before (I already can't keep my days straight) he said, “Isn't that everywhere?” I'm not sure that everywhere is a place of grace for everyone but I can't wait to see what this one is like. So, in about 2.5 hours we'll be on the ground in Africa and the adventure begins. Let's hope I can find my luggage and I desperately need a toothbrush (since I forgot mine). Here we go.
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