My father's mother is a saint. She is the boldest and most faithful woman I know. I think we could talk about God sunrise to sunset 8 days a week if I were there. :) She sent me a card a week ago with a prayer in it for our trip to Africa. It was so profound to me that it's just 'stuck' with me all week. I wanted to write it here so that I can read it everyday that I'm there and let it act as my "Mission Statement"--allow it to be the center and purpose of why I am there. Here it is. Thank you Memaw and I love you very much.
Sara, This is my prayer for you as you leave for Africa-
Lord, I pray that Sara will make her personality subservient to your Holy Impersonality and that in doing so all those whom she will meet will only see you in her and that they may feel your peace, your presence, and your power within their own hearts. Because you are teaching us that our intelligence--strength--power and all that is given to us is yours only and that it is to be manifested in and through us. You, Father, are living your will in and through us all--and as we surrender everything, especially self, then we will know: "All I have is yours." All Light--Love--Joy--Peace. As we see through your eyes, we hear through your ears and learn to speak your truth, then we will see those attributes of your presence (and she underlined this) in everyone we meet. Then shall we know that we are now living in the Kingdom of God. May Christ be formed in us. Amen. (Philippians 2:13).
At the end my grandfather--my BigDaddy--reminds us also to "Have some fun!" And we will. Thank you BigDaddy! I love you too!
I say with so much assurance and with joy in this prayer, thanks be to God!
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